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Gopass card number:
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Credit available:
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Mileage in current season:
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The best offer
Adults (12+ years )
Juniors (6-11 years )
Kids (0-5 years )

Contact and location


Hotel Kaskáda

Hotel address
Na Golfu 1772
664 34 Kuřim
Czech Republic

Accommodation booking:

Contact details for individual clients

Tel: +420 541 511 700

Contact details for travel agencies and tour operators

Tel: +420604290810

Monday - Friday:
9am – 5:00pm

Saturday - Sunday:
(reservations are handled by the hotel reception)

Hotel reception:

Tel: +420 731 530 679, +420 541 511 711

Hotel receptions are available for booking purposes only when the reservation department is closed.

Monday - Friday:
7am - 21pm

Saturday - Sunday:
7am – 21pm


Hotel Kaskáda is part of the Kaskáda Golf Resort near Brno. You can reach the resort in two ways:

1. Arrival from Prague: Exit from highway D1, exit 178, on the 2nd class road no. 386 direction Kuřim. At the fork in Novy Dvur left uphill, direction Veverská Bítýška. In Veverská Bítýška turn right in front of the church to Moravské Knínice. In M. Knínice in front of the church sharply right and in Kuřim turn right to Jinačovice.

2. Arrival from Oloumoce: Exit from highway D1, exit 203, direction Svitavy on R50 to exit 1 direction Židenice. Direction Svitavy, continue along the green inner ring of Brno (Husovicky tunnel) along the R43 to exit at Kuřim. This is the passage of the mansion. At the end of Kurim turn at road no. 386 direction Jinačovice.

