Update as of 14.3.2022
Every person older than 12 years and 2 months who enters Slovakia from abroad is obliged to register through the “eHranica” form no later than when entering Slovakia and is also obliged to present the proof of fulfilling this condition or their EU COVID certificate or another credible official vaccination certificate or COVID-19 recovery certificate in the English language anytime after they enter Slovakia and while they stay in the country if asked by a member of the police force or a staff member of the Regional Public Health Authority.
Every person who comes to Slovakia by plane is obliged to fill in the electronic search form related to the public health protection on this website no later than when entering Slovakia.
The self-quarantine obligation when coming to Slovakia doesn’t apply to fully vaccinated individuals or individuals who overcame COVID-19 not more than 180 days before. Every another person who enters Slovakia from abroad after 14th March 2022 has to self-quarantine and their quarantine can end after 5 days or after a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test if the test is made no sooner than after arriving in Slovakia. To book a test, please visit korona.gov.sk.
Children younger than 12 years and 2 months who don’t have symptoms can end their quarantine when the self-quarantine of other members of their household ends. All members of the same household where individuals with a quarantine obligation live must self-quarantine as well. Their quarantine ends on the same day when the quarantine of all other individuals of the same household ends.
For more details and other quarantine exemptions, please read the Decree. We will keep following the current pandemic precautions and rules to inform you on this website.
Thank you for your loyalty. See you soon!